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Your horoscope for Sept 27 – Oct 3

Your spot-on horoscope for work, money and relationship from Guru by the Bangkok Post’s famously accurate fortune teller. Let’s see how you will fare this week and beyond.
Mar 21 – Apr 19
(⏰) Unexpected difficult situations await you, unfortunately. A grave mistake hidden by a colleague may come out. You may have to work longer hours. A project you’re excited about may get shelved indefinitely.
(₿) You can easily cover your bills and reward yourself with a small luxury. If you have debts, you may find a way to manage them better. An unexpected windfall or prize may fall into your lap.
(♥) Couples practice active listening more. They may enjoy a new hobby or a day trip this weekend. If your baby is due soon, they will arrive smoothly.
(⚤) Your friend may introduce you to someone you’re going to like. Someone you have a situationship with wants a relationship with you but you’re not sure if you see a future with them.
Apr 20 – May 20
(⏰) Your supervisor may entrust you with an important project and give you power to make decisions without having to consult them first. Someone may try to tarnish your name with false accusations. If you partake in a competition, you’re likely to do well.
(₿) You can manage your earnings and expenses well. Don’t feel too guilty with buying yourself a nice thing or two so long as you can pay for it in cash. Investments that sound too good to be true are scams.
(♥) Someone in your famliy or your friend drives a wedge between you and your partner. You don’t have to win every argument because you’ll end up a loser, feeling bad for making your partner feel bad.
(⚤) You may meet someone who’s attractive but you can’t shake the feeling that they’re not good for you. Perhaps, they have something similar to your ex. If you’re casually dating someone, you start to wonder if they find you attractive at all.  
May 21 – Jun 20
(⏰) You stay above the fray while colleagues engage in office drama and conflicts. An opportunity for you to show off problem solving skills is on the cards. Your superior is more confident in your ability but the bad news is that you’ll be asked to do more. A pay negotiation will go well. 
(₿) You may secure a passive income source or financial support. You can easily pay your bills and afford to reward yourself and loved ones with a small luxury. You’re on track with your savings goal. 
(♥) Couples may enjoy a day trip or a new hobby this weekend. Spouses may decide to give their firstborn a sibling. A proposal for marriage or cohabitation is on the cards for unmarried couples. 
(⚤) You meet several admirers IRL and online while someone you’re already familair with may also show romantic interest in you. It won’t take you long to figure out who’s your favourite.    
Jun 21 – Jul 22
(⏰) An opportunity to expand your network, share ideas and build connections with other professionals awaits. You finish your daily tasks well before the punch-out time but your colleague always ask you for help. If you think they don’t deserve your help, say no. Don’t be a pushover.  
(₿) If you’re the breadwinner, stay frugal as you may have to pay for something you don’t see coming. Beware of chaity swindlers. Beware of pickpocket while travelling abroad even in a country that’s considered safe.
(♥) You may discover your partner’s dirty little secret and it’s upsetting. It may take you a while to come to terms with it but in the end your partner’s pros outweigh their cons.
(⚤) A rejection from someone you really like is possible but you won’t dwell in it for long. If you’re having a situationship with someone, it may reach a dead end and it’s time for you both to cut losses.    
Jul 23 – Aug 22
(⏰) Recognition and reward await hard workers. Brace yourself for a heavier workload. You get along better with your colleagues and superiors. A negotiaiton for more budget or welfare is likely to go your way, boosting office morale. An opportunity to collaborate with or support someone is on the cards. 
(₿) Beware of lifestyle inflation and instant gratification. Reduce your screen time to reduce your need to shop. Looking rich is a world apart from being rich. Don’t curate your life on social media too hard.
(♥) A healthy debate makes couples understand each other more. Rain may cause you two to stay in more but you’ll find a new low-key activity to enjoy together. 
(⚤) You meet several admirers IRL and online but none makes your heart flutter. You may still be in love with your one-that-got-away. You may need to come to terms with the possibility that you may not get to be with the greastest love of your life.   
Aug 23 – Sept 22
(⏰) Your workload may be heavier than expected. Unexpected challenges also await you. If you’re struggling with managing budget and resources, an office senior can help you with their advice and past experience. The unemployed may be offered a job in healthcare or education.
(₿) Be careful not to overspend on entertainment to cope with higher stress. Set a budget and stick to it. Investors should avoid high-risk assets for now. Beware of shopping scams.
(♥) Couples communicate with each other on a deeper level and are less afraid to show their vulnerable sides. They may come up with rules to strengthen their relationship. A stranger who isn’t aware of your relationship status slides into your DMs. 
(⚤) Your crush may agree to go on a first date with you. A stranger who knows of you through work may have a crush on you.
Sept 23 – Oct 22
(⏰) Your superior may assign you to a challenging task because they believe in you but be ready for a few changes that they may ask for later. You may find that what usually comes naturally to you become more difficult. You may learn a positive lesson that will stay with you for the rest of your corporate life.
(₿) You may receive a valuable insider information or a gift that touches your heart. You manage your budget better and don’t go above it. Digits in your bank accounts grow significantly from the last time you checked.
(♥) Couples know when to spend time together and when to be apart. They enjoy open and heartfelt communcation. They continue to be each other’s sources of support, comfort and inspiration. 
(⚤) Well-intentioned cousin or friend may introduce you to someone they think would be a perfect fit for you.   
Oct 23 – Nov 21
(⏰) Although you have to deal with a heavier workload, your communication with colleagues and superiors goes smoothly. Everyone seems to be more helpful towards you. You don’t miss any deadlines and deliver what you promised. Positions that usually go to hetero men may go to someone from a marginalised group. 
(₿) An opportunity to secure a new income source presents itself but you have to act quick. Beware of travel scames and tourist traps while travelling abroad. You can pay your bills and still afford a few luxuries. 
(♥) You have to be more patient when you communicate with your partner. Mismatched expectations, jealousy and distrust may rock your relationship. Soon-to-weds may decide to reschdule their big day. 
(⚤) Someone who’s already off the market in your friend or professional circle may come onto you rather bluntly. You can’t deny that you’re tempted but you already know what’s going to happen if you reciprocate.  
Nov 22 – Dec 21
(⏰) Brace yourself for unexpected challenges and longer work hours. Higher pressure and more priorities don’t faze you. A worthy reward awaits you at the finish line. Be clear and concise when you give someone an instruction or else they may make a mistake that you’ll have to fix later.
(₿) Higher-than-expected returns are on the cards for investors. Compensation or overdue payment will finally arrive. Someone in your family or close friend circle may ask if you can lend them some cash. Beware of a new scam that not many know about.
(♥) You and your partner come up with a new common goal. You two show love and care towards each other more. Couples get to spend more quality time together and create a common goal. 
(⚤) Work takes precedence over pretty much everything right now. You want to become a better version of yourself before seeking outside validation and love.   
Dec 22 – Jan 19
(⏰) An opportunity to level up in your career is on the cards. Your hard work and diligence are finally recognised and rewarded. You know how to motivate yourself and there’s no need for your superior to breathe down your neck. You may finish several tasks before their deadlines. What seems bad may turn out to be good.
(₿) Your income may be higher than expected. A financial opportunity or a gift that touches your heart is on the cards. If you have debts, you can keep up with your repayment schedule. Don’t sign on to be a guarantor for anyone, no matter how close they are to you.
(♥) Couples make a life-altering decision together after much deliberation. They add sweetness to their relationship and enjoy more sexy time together. Be careful not to be too experimental in the bedroom, though.
(⚤) Beware of insincere people and chronic liars. You’re likely to have a displeasure of meeting someone with many red flags or romance scammers. It’s in your best interest to stay single for now.
Jan 20 – Feb 18
(⏰) You become more creative and proactive next week. Colleagues are impressed by your ability to think on your feet. You accomplish more than usual and become a rising star of the office. You may have to go on a long business trip abroad. You don’t have to work that hard to convince people to agree with you.
(₿) You can easily pay your bills and may reward yourself with a leisure activity this weekend. Your income may be higher than expected. Although you spend more money, new opportunities are coming your way to replenish it. If you have debts, you may pay off at least one of them.
(♥) Couples know when to spend time together and when to spend time on their own. They enjoy an open and respectful communication. You may gain a new perspective on love and relationships, making you love your partner more. Spouses try to spice up their sexy time.
(⚤) You like someone whom you meet at an educational activity. The good news is that you two agree to get to know each other as friends first. No pressure to be romantic.
Feb 19 – Mar 20
(⏰) Be ready for a heavy workload. You may be asked to complete tasks that aren’t usually in your purview. You communicate with your colleagues and superiors better. Despite many priorities, you remain calm and don’t take your frustration out on anyone. You may gain new skills and deeper insights into your industry.
(₿) Beware of charity or fundraising scams. There are so many things you want to buy and they may derail you from your savings goal. You can have a hobby, just make sure that it won’t cost you a pretty penny. Your friend may bring you a freelance opportunity.
(♥) A healthy debate between couples may happen. You feel secure, loved, seen and heard in your relationship. Your partner is definitely a keeper. If your baby is due very soon, they’ll arrive on this Earth without complications.
(⚤) Whether you’re trying to turn your friend into your boy/girlfriend or get your ex back, love is on your side. If you’re not seeing anyone, love at first sight/swipe is on the cards.
